Take advantage of the nearly unlimited power of CADint schematic capture. Work with flat or hierarchical designs with an unlimited number of pages of any size. Signals may be defined as local to a page, common to a page and its parent or global. Pages may be easily copied to generate repeated modules in a design. Transfer critical information, such as component placement requirements or signal routing constraints to PCB as component or net properties.
Get the job done with the virutally unlimited power of CADint PCB. Regardless of board size or complexity, CADint is designed with the needs of the layout designer in mind.
Place components and route traces on any grid size. Generate copper pours just the way you want them. Take advantage of CADint's integrated Specctra autorouter interface. And when it has all come together, generate your production files in a single step.
Use CADint's 3D Viewer to view your board at any magnification from any angle. View all or selected classes of board elements. Quickly and easily inspect complex routing, buried vias, clearance errors, etc. Take advantage of CADint's 3D package keepout polygons to visualize 3-dimensional component placement constraints.
The 3D viewer supports wireframe, solid and shadowed rendering with true or exaggerated z-scaling. Views may be exported as DXF files or copied to the Windows clipboard for insertion in reports, etc.